Sunday, April 20, 2014

31 Days

So I've decided to indulge a friend and see if I can handle 31 days without Facebook.


That's a long time for me. Me, a person who is on the faybo at least 4 hours a day, if not more. I don't really DO anything on there. Just scroll through and read my friends' and acquaintances' lives (or what they are willing to put out there).

I never really thought about whether or not I get any sort of measurable pleasure out of my social media consumption. It's really just more of a habit. Something I do to pass the time. But it's such an ingrained part of my daily ritual that I get a little anxious when I'm not online for a while.

The longest I've ever gone is two weeks. 31 days will be a challenge. But isn't there some sort of research that says it takes about 21 days to break a habit? I know that the first few days are going to be hard for me.

A few months ago, we experienced a severe length of time without the internet AT ALL, thanks to the glory which is AT&T. There had just been a pretty rough storm and it had apparently knocked out a lot of lines throughout the neighborhood. And we just happened to be one of the lucky few that didn't have service for roughly a month.

I mean, no internet. Not Netflix streaming. No Hulu.

I hadn't spent so much time playing PS2 games since I was 17. It was rough.

But I survived, obviously and strangely enough it wasn't THAT horrible.

Well this time it is self-imposed deprivation. Now there IS a great reward at the end if I make it the full 31 days. Free-to-me expensive liquor. I mean, if you're going to challenge me to do something like this there better be a good reward at the end. Something to make it worth my while. So I accepted the challenge and starting tonight at 7:42pm I will attempt to stay off Facebook for 31 days straight.

So I guess I'll just post stuff here. Like I should have been doing all along.

Hopefully you will enjoy the poetry and stories and rants that I will post throughout the month.

If not, well then you can always leave a smart-assed comment on my Facebook. (

And I'll be able to fuss at you later for it. Until then, enjoy a month of me without social media.

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