Sunday, December 11, 2011

Real Life is Awesome

I have noticed recently the stunning amount of people who constantly have something to say concerning politics, economics, sociology, and pop culture. Now these things are valid subjects to talk about; they make up a lot of regular social discourse. But what is bothering me is this: it's become some sort of standard that if you don't constantly have an opinion about any/all of these talking-points, then you are somehow deficient intellectually.

And the kicker is that if you don't have something to say about these things ON THE INTERNET, then you aren't worth talking to or knowing. All these people with blogs and clever little comments on people's FB walls. Long drawn-out comments on threads, 'liking' every single random comment in said-thread. I can guarantee that the majority of these types of Internet Authorities, are probably some of the most boring people in a real life face-to-face conversation. Unable to read social cues such as body language and tone of voice because all they know how to do is be clever on a computer.

"Yeah, well, my blog is better than yours."
 I know a lot of my social media 'friends' probably think I'm a sort of vapid silly child. (Took a lot of effort not to call myself a cunt there. See? I still couldn't resist.) I don't talk about politics, I don't pretend to be a therapist, I don't know every line of dialogue from obscure schlocky horror films, I don't post news stories or 'insightful' commentaries on the state of the economy. I don't do these things ON THE INTERNET. I do them in real life.

"I think somebody needs a hug!"
 You know that place? You sit down with a REAL PERSON and talk about stuff? You actually breathe the same air as another living human being. You share time and space and smiles and occasional hugs or high fives (if you're really awesome). Unfortunately nobody wants to do this anymore because it takes effort. And don't give me that crap about being shy or socially awkward. You do it to yourself by hiding behind a computer day in and day out.

Everybody's a scholar on the internet. It takes a real genius to be interesting in person.

****disclaimer: writing this blog is just the thing I'm condemning but I had to get it out of my system. Now come join me for some conversation. In REAL LIFE.****