There's no such thing as loyalty anymore. What was once considered a virtue, something worthy dying for, has completely disappeared in our modern era. An entire generation of people that have grown up under the impression that yes, "it's all about you, princess", has destroyed something that a few of us, mistakenly thought was a positive character trait, something to be proud of, something that made you a good person.
So with the dismissal of loyalty as an integral part of being a decent human being, so has the essence of friendship deteriorated to the point of laughability. Nobody has any real friends anymore. We're all just a collection of people, with similar interests, that really care about nothing more than to hear our own mouth run at the speed of light about ourselves.
Can any of you, honestly, name one person that cares deeply about you that is not your family, spouse or pet? Even then, most of us have family members that use/guilt-trip us, spouses that ignore us and pets that only like us when we're feeding them. The concept of having a friend, just one person, that demands nothing, wants nothing, but to be supportive, to be PRESENT, to share time, space and silence with you; someone that would die for you, no questions asked, someone that would defend you even to the detriment of their own person....that concept of friendship died a long long time ago. We have truly devolved into a society of selfish children, and it's all about "what does someone else have that I want and how do I GET IT?"
Nobody listens anymore, too. We all just wait to speak. About ourselves. And there's absolutely no desire to deeply care about anyone else, unless it's on a superficial level that results in some type of reward: physical or monetary. Everybody justs wants to get screwed and make a few bucks in the process. Apparently we've become a society of prostitutes. Some of us end up getting screwed in ways that are much less fulfilling, sadly.
And it's heartbreaking to realize that there's no one you can rely on. No one that doesn't want something in return. And those of us who, stupidly (?), cling to the idea that a friend means more than 'how cool am I that I'm friends with this person?" or "what can I take take take from this person before they catch on?", we're the ones who are in the end completely used up and left alone.
Just a big soft heart to trample all over. Take what you need, then move on. It's alright, though, because my social network tells me I'm special.