I've never been the type of person to enjoy being alone. This personality fault(?) probably originates from my childhood: the oldest child + the first grand-baby = center of attention constantly. As an adult a lot of people try to tell me this is a bad thing: that I enjoy being surrounded by people, going out, having parties, having friends, being loved, and meeting people is some deep psychological fault and needs to be corrected. I don't see it as such.
Humans are social creatures. We're descended from primates for Darwin's sake and how many of those fools do you see sitting alone in a dark room by themselves crying to Morrissey and wondering why nobody likes them?
"Nobody likes me." |
I mean, don't get me wrong. I enjoy some silence every now and again, but for me, good company is the key. The older I get, and the more self-assured I become, I've realized just how much drama people perpetuate. A friend of mine recently coined a phrase that describes a good bit of the negative nancys that I know: "bubble of bullshit". They surround themselves with it and one day it's gonna explode all over them.
No more drama, people. It's not particularly difficult to ignore crazy people, separate yourself from petty gossipping foolishness and focus on the happy.
So if I smile too much, laugh too much, dance too much (and badly!), enjoy acting like an idiot at karaoke, dress like a cartoon, drink a small lake's worth of beer, hug everyone I meet....and this bothers you, then I'm sorry for you. Who'd have ever thought being a happy person would be considered a deeply ingrained psychological defect?
Guess I'm broken then.